
Phil Goldstein is a poet who has worked professionally as a technology and business journalist, a content marketer, editor, and marketing copywriter. His debut poetry collection, How to Bury a Boy at Sea, was published by Stillhouse Press in April 2022.

His poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a Best of the Net award, and his work has appeared in Atlanta Review, South Dakota Review, HAD, The Shore, West Trade Review, Atticus Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, Jet Fuel Review, The Laurel Review, and elsewhere.

By day, he works as an editor and copywriter for a large technology company. He currently lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife and their animals: a dog named Brenna, and two cats, Grady and Princess.

A photo of the poet Phil Goldstein in a blue three-piece suit with a white shirt and pink tie, standing with his wife, Jenny, in a white wedding dress with a pink and white flower crown, on a sandy beach surrounded by green shrubs.

Homepage photo credit: Michelle Jones

Photo credit: Renee Stalions, Love Letters Co